AI Security Operations Centre for Small Businesses in Surrey

24/7 AI-Driven Cybersecurity Protection for Surrey's Small Businesses

UK small businesses hit hardest by cyber-attacks

Cyber attacks can be detrimental for businesses, with the average cost to remedy an attack being £21,000.

UK businesses have suffered an astounding number of cyber-attacks, with most of them being targeted on small businesses. Two thirds of companies with 10 – 49 employees have suffered some form of cyber-attack in the past year, amounting to roughly 130,000 businesses.

The NCSC small business guide provides affordable and practical advice for businesses.

Everyone is a target

The number of cyber-attacks on small businesses is higher than it has ever been. Last year, it was almost two-thirds (63%), up from 47% the previous year.

Criminals don’t care how big your company is; everyone is a potential victim.

Learn how a Surrey Council has bolstered it’s cyber security defensives with Cyglass.

So what do we offer?

The Surrey AI Centre invites small businesses across Surrey to use our automated Security Operations Service (SOC) powered by AI and machine learning.

We simply plug into your existing Firewall or Switch, turning on 24/7 monitoring. Our team monitors your network traffic, data, users, and cloud activity 24/7 and alerts you when threats arise.

Real-time threat detection

AI-powered protection

Seamless integration with existing systems

From as little as £6 per month

Ready to secure your business?